Retreats to Unleash Your True Self
First, I think we should talk about what Self means and why I capitalize the S. Self is the highest version of you. When you find moments of clarity, peace and presence you connect with Self. It’s that voice within that encourages your actions in a way that brings bravery and passion to your life’s choices. Inner-work is an all encompassing broad range of intentions which help us engage in deeper connection to Self. These actions can be as simple as spending time with loved ones, journaling, meditation, dancing, drawing, exercise, yoga, etc… If you do it because it lights you up and feels good, that is action that leads to connection with Self.
We live in a society where distraction abundantly surrounds us and the temptation for numbing our Self is all too easy. But we are human, and I believe to lose ourselves in the circadian chaos of our physical world is natural. How would we know to appreciate the light within if we never knew darkness? Contrast is important. But it’s a beautiful thing to awaken from our unconscious cycles of losing Self and disconnection from what is divine truth.
It’s no secret that time spent in nature provides a powerful reset for our nervous system, a boost in energy and serotonin and gives us clarity as we pause from the busy world of responsibilities we live in. Backpacking is a long-form version of a reset in nature. It allows us the opportunity to embrace challenges and intentionally be with whatever it is that we normally avoid. Be it the anxious chatter that fills our mind, repeated patterns of limiting beliefs that we normally numb ourselves through or just the mundane routine we have accepted in place of pursuing a life that ignites our souls with love, light and passion.
They say, “it is not about the destination, it is about the journey.” I believe this to be true and backpacking reminds us of this. The parallels between life and a backpacking journey are quite similar. The highs and lows of life never cease to exist and the contrast is what makes those juicy blissful moments so special. But what I’ve learned is the bliss and the pain, it's all so fleeting. So why is it that we run from pain and turn to anything numbing or distracting in order to shield ourselves from a very human emotion? We are spiritual beings having a human experience and to be present in the human emotion of pain, loss and suffering is one of the reasons why we are here.
The realm of inner stillness becomes easier to experience when you remove yourself from the environment which provokes such incessant mental chatter. And we all have it, it’s a natural reaction to anything that has left an imprint of emotional charge. I know this unwelcome stream of unconsciousness quite well. I used to think of myself as an anxious, self-conscious person… unworthy of life’s greatness and this was just “how the cards were dealt” for me. I see that version of myself and hold her with such love and grace. She didn’t know any better. She was surviving in a world that was overwhelming to navigate for a sensitive soul.
Backpacking gave me the space to feel presence in its purest form- separate from the highly intoxicating society I grew up in. Backpacking revealed my strength, courage and resilience to me as I persevered through the adversities adventure may bring. Backpacking helped me heal my inner-child and explore through the lens of curiosity and admiration for wilderness. Backpacking helped me heal and feel and move through decades of misunderstanding my pain points, limiting beliefs and internal blocks. Backpacking was that dose of medicine that each and every time continued to rejuvenate, recharge and restore my soul.
So here is what you can expect from an Expedition Courage Retreat:
Adventure into Alignment, what this means is the adventure itself is not simply just the journey on trail but the path you forge is an intention to create more coherence with your mind and heart.
Learn to unravel the workings of your mind and understand the roots of your thoughts. Our mind is like a garden, what you plant inside and how you tend to it produces the outcome. Many of us don’t even know about our gardens or we tend to have our toes in someone else's garden. In a safe and supportive space you can begin to understand the why behind your thoughts which is the first step to redirecting them to empower you.
Meditation. There are many types of mindfulness practice that fall under the umbrella of meditation. For example, when you walk in nature with intention that is a meditation. Cleaning your home and doing laundry can be meditative. The classic sitting still focusing on your breathing as well is a form of meditation. During our retreat we will facilitate many types of meditation and more than just the classic act we will encourage you to live your life as a moving prayer. This means with purpose and intention you can drop into a state of presence at any moment. It is like a muscle and the more you use it the stronger your ability to drop into the Now and with Self becomes.
Movement is medicine. Our backpacking trip will have you pushing your body with strength, endurance, and cardio. However, we will engage in yoga every day which is a great way to establish that mind-body connection. Before we even begin our hiking this is a part of our morning routine and we will teach you how to find flow in your own body and release the issues in the tissues.
Personalized Coaching. You will receive two one-on-one sessions before and after the retreat to help you gain clarity, discover mental blocks, and help you develop follow through for taking those actionable steps towards your goals.
Group Coaching. Designed to create thought provoking discussion, profound realization and provide you with tools so you are able to self-soothe and regulate your nervous system in a heightened state.
Outdoor Education. Understand the “why” behind wilderness ethics, trip planning, gear choices, equipment use, backcountry cooking and expedition behavior. This is a hands-on backpacking experience where we work as a unit to ensure everyone’s safety and carry out the objective of our adventure.
Disconnect to Reconnect. We named our retreat this because it embodies the overall result we are aiming to facilitate. Disconnect is the intention behind hitting the PAUSE on life as you know it. Release your worries and attachment towards the outside world for these 8 days. Invite your nervous system to engage- bring forth every and all emotions that you have. You are safe to be and your sisterhood is here to hold space for whatever comes forth. By allowing this vulnerability you are leaning into the Reconnect. You are divine and that part of you has always been inside. Find her, love her and be with her. Reconnect to Self, community, nature and the possibilities of a beautiful and fulfilling life moving forward.
Post-Backpacking Integration. After we wrap up our 3 nights/4 days in the backcountry we will return to our beautiful retreat base for 2 nights. Our last day is designed to create space for self-reflection, integration and ceremony.
There is intention and purpose incorporated into each and every day of this unique retreat. Adventure is a huge catalyst for transformation and expansion and to do so with a community of like-minded women is so powerful and potent. So if you are ready to reconnect to Self, have fun and make life-long friends, join us on our next retreat. Be well.
Happy Trails xo Dee