
“There are far too many positives to list and organize coherently, but I am going to try my best! Whether you are looking for a profound experience or not, get ready for one. Notwithstanding the natural beauty of the great outdoors, my trip with Deanna revealed to me far more beauty in life than I could have imagined. I think the biggest take aways are the three main things I learned through this experience: development of self identity & actualization, forgiveness in a number of different forms, and a restoration of universal love for life. Although I am an avid lover of the outdoors, I am certainly a novice hiker (especially hailing from Florida where a majority our terrain is flat!) and to be candid, I was a bit intimidated and unsure what to expect when signing up to join Deanna on a trip. Even before we arrived at the trail head, from the second we started corresponding Deanna comforted my worries and uplifted my spirits, helped empower me and filled my being full of courage and confidence. She provided us with our trip itinerary, shared local knowledge and facts, and was able to answer just about every question under the sun that I had for her. Her organization and confidence was contagious and it really lit a fire of excitement inside of me for the trip to come. I truly cannot speak highly enough of Deanna and Expedition Courage. I am looking forward to booking my next trip with her and tackling life that’s ahead with all the change and knowledge obtained through this trip. 10/10 I would recommend it to anyone who simply loves nature and wants to get off the beaten path, or for someone who is looking to heal and grow from where they currently are.”

- Daniela S. (Tampa, FL)

“Just accomplished 90 days of coaching with Resilient Mindset Coaching. The goals I wanted to achieve at the beginning of our sessions seemed unattainable. But here I am 90 days later, and I achieved every single one and then some! I learned that I can have the life I want. My past does not define me. If you are looking to gain some control over your life, I highly recommend reaching out to Madeline.”

- Aly R.

“Deanna is an amazing guide and person. She made my first trip to the Grand Canyon unforgettable. She brought together multiple groups of people and made us feel like a unit. Her meals were delicious and her instructions were easy to follow. What made her outstanding though is her incredible heart and empathy. I had what amounted to a panic attack in the canyon and she stayed with me and helped me through every step of the way, even when I threw up and tried hard to give up. Her encouragement and calm nature helped ease me out and got me back to the rim. P.S. Sorry about your shoe.”

-Carol S. (Austin, TX)

“Deanna has been an exceptional adventure partner, guide, and mentor. Through countless backpacking trips, Deanna has been an empowering source to help me navigate challenging circumstances and keep motivation high. Her extensive knowledge of how to travel safely and effectively through a wide variety of terrain is evident when you are out on the trail with her. I always feel encouraged to push myself while knowing that I am in reliable and capable hands. I could not recommend Deanna enough as a holistic, competent, and empowering guide for any adventure you choose to embark on with her.”

- Anna N. (Golden, CO)

“After 12 weeks of overcoming fears, swallowing my pride, seeking the aid of others and completely stepping out of my comfort zone, I just finished my final life-coaching session with Resilient Mindset Coaching. For those who don’t know I have been struggling to climb out of a very dark place over the last couple years, and went through one of the toughest bouts of insomnia I have ever experienced, and despite going through therapy, sleep science, and mental evaluations, progress was incredibly slow and often uncertain. But over the past 6 months after seeking the topic of life-coaching and willingly diving into topics and parts of my psyche Im normally afraid to touch, Ive seen a drastic shift in perspective, optimism, and overall mood. The constant posting of my dog, clouds, sunsets/rises, musical drives around CO, simply stem from the fact that the world has suddenly seemed more beautiful to me. To the point where I often feel the need to record even some the simplest parts. Of my life, for my own memory journal. For anyone going through a difficult time or struggling to see light in darkness I would highly recommend setting aside your fears or reservations and take the first step into finding your journey upward. I feel like a completely different person and ad finding it hard to even remember what it was like to feel as low as I did. The world has everything we need to thrive, it just takes one step forward to start truly seeing it. And I hope my experience can inspire others to find the clarity I’ve discovered.”

-Kenny E.

“My first guided hike was with Deanna. I wanted to experience the area without having to apply for my permit, reserve accommodations and transportation—not to mention minding the trail route and keeping a constant focus on safety.  I put all of that in her hands so I could focus on enjoying the experience.  Deanna did not disappoint. She was so confident and capable—she inspired the whole crew.  I arrived solo and recently widowed, and Deanna made me feel so welcome and comfortable.  Her guiding skills are strong, and I have already booked the next one. You won’t be disappointed!”

- Victoria D. (Orlando, FL)

“Truly a great experience if you are looking to change your life in a positive way! Madeline helped me shift my focus from the Chaos of everyday life, to paying more attention as to where my thoughts and energy were truly going towards . While working with her, l learned a lot about accepting who l am and how to work towards the person l want to become. We worked on everything from daily diet, to exercise tips, personal/career goals, daily habits, meditation, and breath work. She helped me set goals for self progress - both short term and long term goals and taught me that it's ok if l don't meet those goals on time. I just needed to make changes in my approach or my end date or both. If you are ready to improve your mindset and become the person you want to be, get in touch with Madeline. She will help you change your life!”

- Jack S.

“I've told Deanna that she's my hero, and I mean it! Dee is a calm and extraordinarily competent guide. Nothing phases her, because she has the experience and expertise to handle any backpacking scenario. There are a lot of fantastic guides out there, but the reason I respect Dee so much is how she tunes into her guests on a personal level. She provides support and encouragement, encourages laughter and fun, and isn't surprised or put off by the ugly stuff: grief emerging at unexpected moments or fatigue that knocks you flat. Dee's style is one that encourages realness on the trail, and that's what makes her memorable as a guide. You'll return home from a trip with Dee feeling like a better version of yourself.”

- Erin F. (Alexandria, VA)

“Hi, I just wanted to take some time to write a review because the Resilient Mindset Coaching program was truly life changing and to be honest I feel like everyone needs a life coach at least once in their lifetime. When I first started this program I was in a bit of a rut and just couldn’t figure out how to break out of certain habits that were detrimental to the lifestyle that I wanted to achieve. With Madeline’s help I not only was able to find the motivation needed to achieve my personal goals but I learned so much about myself along the way. Her style of coaching is one of a kind, I never felt judged (even when I would cancel our meetings last minute because of my own self sabotaging behaviors) and she was always a phone call or text away whenever I felt I needed the support. Her coaching was not bound to our meetings alone, she truly was there any time that I needed her, to hold me accountable or just to hear me out. It was sort of like having a personal therapist but that was also going to give you all of the tools necessary to be successful in life or what you wanted to achieve out of the coaching. She was wonderful! We touched on topics that I didn’t even realize where an issue, such as eating habits, consistency, routines and better scheduling methods, setting and creating healthy boundaries in all aspects of life, and so many others. Overall, I feel like because of her program I was able to uncover the behaviors that were holding me back and solutions for them. I am extremely thankful to her and her program and I a thousand percent recommend it to everyone no matter your age or stage of life that you may be at because the knowledge and information you will get out of it will be useful for a lifetime! It is the best investment anyone can make! 10/10 would recommend.”

- Katie T.