5 Mindset Shifts for the Aspiring Adventurer

Perhaps you daydream about a particular adventure or find yourself scrolling through Instagram accounts thinking "I wish that was me." The truth is, everyone has a starting point and no two points look the same. Thinking about it IS the start. Being inspired by fellow free spirits on social media can actually be a positive thing as long as you don't fall down the rabbit hole of comparing yourself to anyone else. But when is it time to take action?

First things first: MINDSET MATTERS. Forget about the gear, the logistics and all the things you think you need to know. Developing a healthy mindset is the key that unlocks the door to an adventurous life. Because the truth is, you can plan ahead and prepare all you want and still an unforeseen situation may arise. This is why I recommend creating the space to cognitively expand your perspective as the #1 asset for anyone interested in exploring the backcountry.

Mindset Shift #1

Understand your imagination is your super power.

What if you are powerful enough to create the version of you and lifestyle you desire? News flash, YOU ARE! It is your birthright to embrace your limitless imagination and give yourself permission to believe in what you can create.

If you want to be a rock climber, day dream about sending it up a granite cliff. See yourself with chalk covered hands wearing a harness full of quickdraws.

Let go of any limiting belief holding you back from being that strong, confident rock climber. This way of thinking is stagnant and will keep you stuck in a cycle of "I wish, I can't, what if."

All great athletes are trained in visualization. They see themselves winning. They feel it in their body. You can't tell them no because in their mind they are already there. This method of assuming the feeling and watching it play out like a movie in your mind is SO POWERFUL. Not only just for stepping into this world of outdoor recreation, but across the board in life.

Imagination activates new thought patterns and using this power in a very intentional way is going to make you unstoppable when it comes to achieving your goals. At first this may feel a bit strange but with effort and persistence, doing so will become your new normal.

Seeing yourself as who you wish to be and feeling into that will result in a confidence to carry you forward as you see yourself become a match to your desires.

Mindset Shift # 2

Don't be fearless, be courageous.

Fear is good. It is necessary and it is an asset to our nervous system. We are biologically hardwired to recognize danger and react accordingly. *Fight or Flight*

However, living in modern society has given us problems that our hunter and gatherer ancestors did not have. And more than likely our relationship with fear is a bit out of order. This society preys on your fear and disconnection. So virtually everyone at some point has some unlearning and relearning to do when it comes to their relationship with fear.

You might ask what all this has to do with wanting to embrace an adventurous life. When we don't have a good relationship with fear we tend to misuse our imagination by worrying, judging ourselves, doubting our ability, assuming the worst, expecting a bad outcome, etc... These beliefs can hold us back from taking those action steps needed to reach our goals.

You can evaluate your relationship with fear by developing an awareness behind your thoughts. Acknowledge the anxious belief when it comes, see it, don't judge it, let is pass by and then rewrite the narrative to be more empowering.

For example: "I could never hike solo because I'm scared of getting lost and something bad happening to me." Acknowledge the anxiety in that statement, give yourself grace as you let it pass by. No ruminating on it. Redirect your attention to make it empowering. "Even though I'm scared of getting lost, I know I am smart enough to learn how to plan ahead and prepare in order to minimize those risks."

Courage is defined as having the strength and willingness to confront uncertainty or fear. If there is one thing I can guarantee about being a self-sufficient adventurer, it's that you have to be ready for the unexpected. A wrench in your plan may arise but embracing whatever it is courageously will make or break how you handle it.

Mindset Shift # 3

Embrace infinite possibilities.

In a nutshell, this is the ability to see the glass half-full vs. half-empty. If you are a finite thinker, you have a black and white perspective. Win or lose. Fail or succeed.

The infinite thinker knows that whatever comes of a situation will result in growth. A good plan is just a route forward without expectations. This mindset allows you to handle the unexpected in a graceful and calm manner.

Embarking on an outdoor adventure is one of the most fulfilling experiences you can have. Yes there are those epic sunsets, summits, and beautiful campsites that draw us in. But in my opinion the real takeaway has more to do with the lessons you learn about yourself along the way through facing challenges. Rarely, does everything go exactly according to plan. Embracing the infinite possibilities makes the journey more fun and reduces anxiety and stress.

Mindset Shift # 4

Become clear on your "why"

What is your motivation for wanting to get outside and explore?! Perhaps it's a desire to get fit, or gain more confidence, or to compliment your inner-healing journey, or maybe it's to simply witness more of the world's natural beauty. There's no right or wrong answer and it certainly can be a combination of reasons.

Understanding your WHY allows you to pursue a goal with transformational change in mind. Write this down on a sticky note and make sure you put it somewhere you will notice daily. Your why is more important than the how or when.

Mindset Shift # 5

Always be learning

Becoming a confident explorer isn't about waiting until you've "mastered" all the skillsets. You have to just get out there and start! That doesn't mean you shouldn't plan ahead and prepare to minimize unnecessary risk. It just means that the best way to learn is to get out of your comfort zone and take the first step. Go on a hike and relax into the journey you're embarking on. Adventure is the classroom, outdoor recreation is the teacher and you are the student. Remain a student of nature always and you will strengthen your skills as you go.

Being open to learning from others on the trail is a great way to start. Do you have concerns about trail conditions ahead? Ask a hiker passing on their way back to the trailhead! People are inherently always in a better mood outdoors and are very easy to strike up a chat with on trail. Don't be timid, reach out and connect with others!

Another thing I recommend is to start an adventure journal. Write an entry after each of your adventures including your main takeaways: what are you proud of, what did you overcome, how was your mindset before/during/after the hike, what did you learn and what do you want to get better at moving forward. This will help you look at your progress and see how far you've come. Not to mention the profound introspective discoveries you learn about yourself along the way.

Applying these mindset shifts will help you embody the confident adventurous soul you know yourself to be deep down but will also just improve the quality of your life on a day to day basis. I hope you found this helpful and inspiring!

Happy Trails xo Dee


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